A weekend retreat designed to help parishes that do summer mission trips. It will help nurture the seeds of service that are planted in youth groups everywhere. It can be customized for Middle School, High School or Young Adults.
After 24 years of putting on SHINE Mission Weeks, the founders of SHINE have created an awesome follow up weekend retreat for parishes that do SHINE Mission Weeks or something similar. Inspired by the words of St Teresa of Calcutta, S.T.A.Y. stands for Serving Those Around You and is designed to do just that. It takes place over a weekend in a parish hall with no overnight stay. It starts on a Friday night and ends on Sunday morning / afternoon. We work with you and your team to help line up work projects for family members, friends and parishioners who are in need of minor home repairs and such. We also come a day early to set up the sound, lighting and video production to help give that SHINE Vibe to the weekend. With inspirational and uplifting talks, Mass, great music, multimedia presentations and a day of service, we can help keep the light of Christ lit in the hearts of your missionary teens and volunteers. Contact us if you are interested in STAYing home and serving. Please note that this not a substitute for a SHINE Summer Mission Week.